Bespoke Packaging has a range of packaging supplies for photographers and loves to work with photographers to find the look that fits with their business.

As a photographer there are many areas of the business that you need to work on from taking the photographs, working with your customers and delivering the finished products.  There are many ways to deliver the finished products and make sure your clients have a great experience.  Sometimes putting all the pieces together and working out how you can do this can be daunting.

We can help you to put the pieces together and create a look to suit your business.

packaging for photographers

A collection of branded packaging fitting with a business colour scheme

We’d love to chat with you and find out about your colour scheme and any ideas you may have and what style you prefer.  We’ll discuss the branding options we offer which include branding directly on your boxes and packaging or colour printed custom seals with your business logo printed on them.  A combination of branded tags and custom seals also looks great as you can see in the picture above of the examples we created for a photographer.

Once you have placed your order we will make up some packaging examples with the supplies you have ordered to give you ideas and inspiration on how your can present your photography products to your clients.  We send these packaging examples to you with your order so you have a starting point,  many customers are then on their way and their packaging then takes a natural progression as their photography business grows.

Call us today 07 3348 3720 or email

We look forward to hearing form you


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