Professional packaging can increase your sales….
Professional packaging increases sales and how you present your products to your customers or clients and their reaction to it is all part of the sales process and how they feel when dealing with your company, it’s brand and ethos. Professional packaging increases sales by elevating this experience to the best that it can be, which means the difference between spreading the good word and telling everyone how amazing you are and pure silence! You’ve probably heard of that business-speak saying, something along the lines of: ‘If they have a bad experience, they’ll tell 10 people, but if they have a good experience they’ll tell one other person.’ So we all need to strive to offer the best we can, and then hopefully that one person’s positive feedback will eventually spread like wildfire.
Word-of-mouth or personal referrals are the most positive form of marketing, plus it’s free publicity! The feeling people have when they interact with your brand will also influence what and how much they buy. For repeat customers, you need to create a great experience, and for repeat customers who recommend to their friends, your great experience should encompass every little possible detail. If they feel valued and special, this becomes a very positive experience with your sales figures too.
So, enough talk. How can you show this within your packaging and make it the best it can be?
- Have professional packaging with your logo and branding, so people remember it. Try to make them see your logo or name 2-3 times, if possible.
- Make it visually pleasing. Before they open it, from the minute they lay eyes on it, your customer should want to open the package. The little details are really important.
- The beauty is in the details. We can help you achieve this and increase your sales with positive customer experience, crafting each little detail, so they feel like it’s Christmas every time they open your product, and also so they feel you’ve taken the time to write them a personalized note or something similar.
- Create a joyful experience. Remember seeing your gifts on Christmas morning? The excitement and anticipation you had until you opened them, and the joy and smiles once you have opened it and finally see it? That’s what you should aim for. Anticipation, surprise and joy are powerful emotions for a customer. You want them to truly love and feel grateful for what they’ve purchased. Even though they bought it and it’s not necessarily a “present”, it creates the vibe of a gift!
I guarantee the experience you will create will be so positive your customer will love you more, tell all their friends, post it on Instagram or Facebook and, of course, leave you great reviews and free publicity in the meantime. This is how professional packaging will increase your sales!
We have branded packaging supplies available for small businesses – you can order as few as 10 items. Let us help you achieve this and increase your sales with positive customer experience, so your customers will feel like it’s Christmas every time they receive your products.
Email us today or call the office during business hours 07 3348 3720, we’d love to chat with you.
The little details are important…